Oil base with plant-based active ingredients.


Arnica in oliveÁrnica en olivaArnica montana, Olea europaeaBIO
ArnicaÁrnicaArnica montanaBIO
CarrotZanahoriaDaucus carota sativaBIO
Centella AsiaticaCentella AsiáticaCentella asiaticaConv
HypericumHipéricoHypericum perforatumBIOConv
Hypericum in oliveHipérico en olivaHypericum perforatum, Olea europaeaBIO
Hypericum in sunflowerHipérico en girasolHypericum perforatum, Helianthus annuusBIO
Marigold in soybeanCaléndula en sojaCalendula officinalis, Glycine sojaConv
MarigoldCaléndulaCalendula officinalisBIO
TepezcohuiteTepezcohuiteMimosa tenuifloraBIOConv
Sello Euro-hoja

Vegetable oils sourced from organic farming and free from GMO ingredients.

BIO Certification

Sello Bio.inspecta

Production based on principles of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and animal welfare.

Bio.inspecta Seal

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