
Hydrosol is a secondary product obtained from steam distillation. If well, the first product obtained by order of density would be essential oil, hydrosol will be water with a lower fraction of suspended aromatic molecules. Just as we have seen that essential oil has multiple uses in food, cosmetics and Therapy will also be hydrosol with its characteristic uses. By possessing a hydrophilic part It highlights a greater similarity with the world of phytotherapy, in addition to also containing those suspended aromatic molecules that we discussed previously.

What is a hydrosol?

It is not a secret that plants and flowers reserve great power in their natural properties. A practical and effective way to take advantage of them is through hydrosols, aqueous extracts in which innumerable benefits are concentrated. Like essential oils, this innovative product has endless uses and can be used by people of all ages.

Hydrosol suppliers

As specialists in the development and distribution of excellent quality hydrosols, in Ibsina we are available to large and small entrepreneurs.
Whether you need them to develop your own products, or want to start selling them locally. We will gladly advise you in the choice and management of organic hydrosols.

Where to buy hydrosols?

If you are looking to acquire quality and volume hydrosols, Ibsina is your best option in Spain. We handle a good variety of substances derived from various plants, available for companies and freelancers from different sectors. Cosmetic, food and therapeutic products can benefit from this excellent raw material at a more than convenient price. We invite you to contact us via online to talk about your project.

What are hydrosols and what are they for?

Hydrosols are substances that are obtained from the specific parts (roots, stems, leaves, etc,) of different plants, flowers and even fruits, through distillation by steam currents. All hydrolate is characterized by possessing the properties of the plant of origin, to a lesser concentration than natural oils. Each has multiple healthy uses. Some of the most common are:
Regenerate and revitalize the skin.
Accelerate healing processes.
Treat solar burns.
Help in the regulation of hormonal mismatches.
It is also possible to use them as perfumes and deodorants.

Hydrosols Properties

There are several benefits provided by hydrosols:
Nourish, hydrate and regenerate the skin.
They eliminate unxcal toxins and odors in the environment.
They relieve minor irritations and burns.
They fight stress and anxiety with its soothing effects.
Improve sleep cycles.
They strengthen and hydrate hair.
For this and more, its use is recurring as a food, therapeutic and above all, cosmetic resource.

What are cosmetics hydrosols?

Within cosmetics, hydrosols provide us with a great base to prepare all kinds of formulas: exfoliants, masks, facial tonic, capillary lotions, micellar waters, creams and soaps. Likewise, they can be used individually like micellar waters.A great advantage of its composition is that they are safe and effective in any type of skin. Since they do not contain toxins or artificial substances, they lack contraindications and are sustainable with the environment.

Hydrosol as tonic

One of the most common uses of hydrosols is as a facial tonic. Depending on our skin type we can resort to the hydrosol of a specific plant, whose properties assist us in the care of the complexion, cleaning impurities and restoring its natural pH.Manzanilla and Lavender are usually ideal, thanks to their misinflammatory and soothing effects. Another excellent option is that of Hammamelis, a flower known for its astringent properties.

What are hydrosols on the skin for?

If we talk about skin care, hydrosol are a versatile and recommended product. Its numerous benefits and include the oxygenation, hydration and regeneration of the dermis. Including a hydrosol according to your skin type in everyday routine, it will be ideal to wear a smoother, young and bright skin.

Anise, GreenAnís VerdePimpinella anisumBIO
Chamomille, RomanManzanilla RomanaChamaemelum nobileBIO
CornflowerAcianoCentaurea cyanusBIO
CypressCiprésCupressus sempervirensBIO
FrankincenseInciensoBoswellia carteriiBIO
Geranium BourbonGeranio BourbonPelargonium X asperumBIO
HamamelisHamamelisHamamelis virginianaBIO
HypericumHipéricoHypericum perforatumBIO
ImmortelleSiemprevivaHelichrysum italicumBIO
InulaInulaInula graveolensBIO
Juniper BerryEnebroJuniperus communisBIO
LaurelLaurelLaurus nobilisBIO
LavenderLavandaLavandula angustifoliaBIO
MasticLentiscoPistacia lentiscusBIO
MelissaMelisaMelissa officinalisBIO
Myrtle, GreenMirto VerdeMyrtus communisBIO
Orange BlossomAzaharCitrus X aurantium amaraBIO
PeppermintMenta PiperitaMentha X piperitaBIO
Rock RoseJaraCistus ladaniferusBIO
Rose, DamaskRosa DamascenaRosa damascenaBIO
Rosemary CT. CamphorRomero QT. AlcanforRosmarinus officinalisBIO
Rosemary CT. VerbenoneRomero VerbenonaRosmarinus officinalisBIO
Sage, ClarySalvia EsclareaSalvia sclareaBIO
SavoryAjedreaSatureja montanaBIO
Tea TreeÁrbol del TéMelaleuca alternifoliaBIO
Thyme CT. LinaloolTomillo QT. LinalolThymus zygisBIO
Thyme CT. ThujanolTomillo QT. TuyanolThymus vulgarisBIO
Thyme CT. ThymolTomillo QT. TimolThymus zygisBIO

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